• Link: Visit Website
  • Day - Time: 2016-07-01 02:00
  • Isti role: Organizer

The INFRA project "ARIADNE" (http://www.ariadne-infrastructure.eu/) has organized the third edition of the Trans-National Access (TNA) event on "2D/3D Documentation for Archaeology".
This one-week event was organized by CNR-ISTI in Pisa on June 20th-24th, 2016. The goal of this event is to provide participants with both a structured course on visual media technologies and practical hands-on sessions to test and experiment with the technologies being presented. Individual work is a primary component of the experience. Students have been asked to suggest research projects or tasks to be accomplished during the school by means of the expertise and advice contributed by the TNA tutors, so that practice with the technologies is made through the case studies brought by the students.
Concerning the course lessons, we have introduced: (a) the technologies for producing 2D and 3D documentation for archaeological purposes, considering both the small scale (artworks, findings) and the large scale (monuments, sites); and (b) the methodologies for providing visual access to the data gathered (considering both desktop and web-based visualization).
Participants have been selected after participation to an open call by a committee of experts. We have accepted 9 participants with fellowships (from EU countries) and 3 externals (from Italy and Cyprus).