• Units: VC
  • Day: 2023-06-26

Francesco Laccone has been assigned the first Pier Luigi Nervi Prize for the work entitled Static- and fabrication-aware segmented concrete shells made of post-tensioned precast flat tiles (https://sites.google.com/view/iwss/iwss2023/nervi-prize?authuser=0).

Issued by Italian Workshop on Shell and Spatial Structures (IWSS), with the endorsement of the Pier Luigi Nervi Foundation, the Nervi Prize at the IWSS2023 (Italian Workshop on Shell and Spatial Structures) in memory of Pier Luigi Nervi recognizes talented young researcher working in the field of shell and spatial structures.
The IWSS 2023 has been held in Turin on 26th - 28th June 2023 at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Valentino Castle, Politecnico di Torino.