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- Day - Time:
2019-11-27 10:00
- Place:
Area della Ricerca Cnr, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa
Multimedia (MUM) is a leading annual international conference, which provides a forum for presenting the latest research results on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. The conference brings together experts from both academia and industry for a fruitful exchange of ideas and discussion on future challenges, in a comfortable and effective single-track conference format.
The 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2019) will be held in Pisa, Italy, November 27 - November 29, 2019. It is organized by the Human Interfaces in Information Systems (HIIS) laboratory of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Pisa, Italy.
In addition to the peer-reviewed accepted papers, the conference program will include keynote presentations, posters and demos. The conference will also have a co-located doctoral school. The technical program will be complemented by several social events to facilitate informal discussions and networking among the conference attendees and invited guests.