Bringing Europe's eLectronic Infrastructures to Expanding Frontiers

BELIEF, funded by the EU's Sixth Framework Programme, is an international project to facilitate knowledge-exchange on eInfrastructures a one-stop home for public eInfrastructure documentation. This information will be readily accessible to BELIEF Community Members though the BELIEF Digital Library especially developed to provide a central repository for eInfrastructure Information.
BELIEF brings together not just individual experts and potential users but also other eInfrastructure "communities" and initiatives, from both research and industry worldwide.
BELIEF project raises awareness of eInfrastructures (ICT-based Research Infrastructure) and the opportunities for their exploitation by: i) leveraging on all European eInfrastructure-based initiatives; ii) developing a wider network to achieve international outreach and industry engagement and attempting to understand the various issues facing Industry when it comes to implementing eInfrastructures in their business environment; iii) engaging existing eInfrastructure Communities and harnessing the knowledge, experience and results they have accumulated so far to help guide future eInfrastructures development; and iv) facilitating Networking and Knowledge exchange though a series of Networking events, Brainstorming and International events that will bring together the very best minds form eInfrastructures worldwide and giving them a platform to discuss their differing views and approach to the eInfrastructures development.


26 Months

Istituto finanziario

Unione Europea