ISTI Day 2023-2024
June, 14th

Functional Safety, Cybersecurity and Deep Learning: Integration Challenges in the New Generation of Connected Vehicles

Day - Time: 17 March 2022, h.10:30


Giuseppe Lami

New disruptive automotive technologies such as connected cars, e-mobility, and especially autonomous driving dramatically increase the importance and complexity of automotive functional safety and cybersecurity.

This seminar aims at providing an overview of the current challenges and open issues in achieving cybersecurity and functional safety in automotive software-intensive components, with specific focus on AI-based ones. The seminar, starting from the description of the available standards (ISO 26262, ISO/SAE 21434, Automotive SPICE) and the identification of the state-of-the-art in such a domain, identifies possible directives towards the definition of a methodological approach for Cybersecurity and Functional Safety co-engineering.