6-8 nov 2013
2013-10-03This workshop, organized on 3-4 October 2013 by the ERCIM MUSCLE Working Group and the EU-FP7 MIRACLE group, aims at providing an international forum to present and discuss current trends and future directions in computational intelligence for multim...
2013-07-18Attendance to the workshop is free of charge but registration is strictly required. Registration Form
2013-07-01EvAAL aims at bringing together academic and industrial research communities to work together on challenging open problems in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), with the purpose of evaluating different approaches to AAL and envisioning new research o...
2013-05-31The “CSS3 & HTML5” event is centred around a keynote presentation from Bert Bos, a key W3C team member for the CSS3 effort. The event will be an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in CSS3 and related technologies, and on th...
2013-02-11A W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and the Open Web Platform - 11-12 February 2013 The goal of this W3C Workshop, organized in partnership with IDPF and BISG, is to bring together major players of the eBooks market, including publishers, standardiz...
2013-01-16IIR 2013 is the 4th edition of the Italian Information Retrieval Workshop. It will take place at the National Council of Research campus ("Area della Ricerca del CNR") in Pisa, Italy, and will be jointly organized by the Institute for the Science ...
2012-12-11Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale is delighted to announce the 3rd edition of the "CULTURAL HERITAGE on line- Trusted Digital Repositories & Trusted Professionals" Conference that will be held on 11-12 December 2012 in Florence, with a rich p...
2012-11-29Innovation is a process manifested in and through grey literature. Both have their origins in knowledge generation and both demonstrate value for government, academics, business and industry through their uses and applications. In a way, innovati...
2012-11-2121st November 2012, from 9.00 a.m to 6.30 p.m. - Centro Culturale De Laugier, Portoferraio, Isola d'Elba (ITALY) This conference is held together with the final review of the ARGOMARINE FP7 European Project. Your participation is free, you just hav...