W3C Office in Italy organizes a conference on issues of accessibility and usability of institutional web sites as a principle of good governance and efficiency of public administration. Thanks to partial funding from the Tuscany Region the Office dev...
2010-09-13The Conference is hosted by Formal Methods && Tools Lab (FM&&T) at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the Italian National Research Council (ISTI-CNR) and is to be held in Pisa, Italy, from 13th to 18th Septemb...
2010-07-22Mattino, Aula 31 IFC: 09,30 10,30 Blender and its many instruments Mike Pan 10,45 11,45 Blender Game Engine for protein motion Monica Zoppè 11,45 12,45 Expanding Blender with Python Vincenzo di Somma Pomeriggio: Hands-on ...
2010-05-13Roma 13 - 14 Maggio 2010, CNR Aula II Pentagono - Orario: 9.00-18.00 - Workshop to discuss the challenges and benefits of Model-Based approaches, to hear the main results achieved by the Incubator Group, and to facilitate a discussion about the next ...
2010-04-19Temi in discussione oggetto dell'incontro: Le tendenze emergenti del Turismo e la sostenibilità per i centri storici: strategie per la gestione dei flussi; Esperienze di sistemi di pagamento integrati (carte intelligenti e cellulari)per formu...
2009-12-04Workshop at the II DELOS Conference, Hotel Continental, Tirrenia 4 December 2007. The aim of the MultiMatch project is to enable users to explore and interact with online accessible cultural heritage content, across media types and languages boundari...