H2IOSC - CUP B63C22000730005
Site: https://www.h2iosc.cnr.it/
H2IOSC will support the implementation of a coherent strategy for RIs development and integration in Italy, optimizing the use of the most relevant assets, upgrading and implementing the facilities, as a result of needs arising from the reference communities, gathered from a comprehensive assessment and prioritisation work. H2IOSC aims at creating a federated and inclusive cluster of Ris in the ESFRI domain of Social and Cultural Innovation to allow researchers from various disciplines in the Humanities, Language technologies and the Cultural Heritage sectors collaborate in data and compute intensive research. The H2IOSC services will address the needs of most disciplines in the S&CI spectrum and beyond. H2IOSC will elaborate a set of priorities to plan the onboarding process in the integrated environment and each participating RI will work towards reaching the maturity threshold set by the project as entry point, as a prerequisite for the actual alignment and integration of the resources within the federation. To promote accessibility and the FAIR approach, a one-stop, easy-entry place will be created, where users will find software, tools, datasets, services and pilot projects supporting specific needs of domain and cross-domain research. H2IOSC will promote a data centric approach, where resources are available in an integrated environment accessible through a set of Virtual and Remote access methods. H2IOSC will also foster training and engagement activities to build FAIR and Open Science skills, boost the visibility of RIs at national and international level, create new profiles (e.g.: data stewards, data curators) supporting digital processes in research and in the Cultural and Creative Industries.
36 Months
Financial Institution