Gianpaolo Palma was awarded for his Master Thesis work on PTM/RTI visualization. The thesis concerns new methods and a system to visualize Reflection Transformation Images (RTI), i.e. images that allow the user to select interactively the illumination. Those images are the result of multiple acquisition of the same region, photographed under different illumination conditions; a further processing of the input images makes it possible to produce an image-based representation of the reflection properties of the surface depicted, which is sufficiently compact and easy to render.
This work has been published on: Dynamic Shading Enhancement for Reflectance Transformation Imaging - Gianpaolo Palma, Massimiliano Corsini, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno, Mark Mudge ACM Journ. on Computers and Cultural heritag, Volume 3, Number 2 - set 2010