Link: The paper "Driver Stress Identification in Real-World Driving Tasks" by Saira Bano, supervised by Alberto Gotta and Nicola Tonellotto has been conferred with the “Best PhD forum Paper Award“ at the 20th I...
22-10-2021Marco Tarini from the university of Milan, Paolo Cignoni and Claudio Montani from ISTI-CNR have won the IEEE VIS Test of Time Award for their paper: Ambient Occlusion and Edge Cueing for Enhancing Real Time Molecular Visualization IEEE Transactions ...
19-05-2021Link: Eurographics conferred to Paolo Cignoni (VC Lab) the 2021 Outstanding Technical Contributions Award for his extraordinary technical contribution...
17-02-2021Link: Fabio Paternò, dirigente di ricerca e responsabile del laboratorio su Human Interfaces in Information Systems, è stato nominato nella SIGCHI Academy dell'ACM per i suoi nu...
16-12-2020Link: Franco Mazzanti (FMT lab), Frédéric Lang and Wendelin Serwe (CONVECS, Grenoble, France), after their successful participation in last year’s RERS 2019 Challenge, again won three gold medals at the “Paralle...
11-12-2020Link: GreyNet International conferred to Silvia Giannini the International Award 2020 for her 15 years of actions in the GreyNet community of practice and research activities in the field of ...
26-11-2020In Architectural Heritage, the masonry’s interpretation is an instrument for analyzing the construction phases, the assessment of structural properties, and the monitoring of its state of conservation. This work is generally carried out by speciali...
21-05-2020L'IFIP (International Federation of Information Processing) ha annunciato i 18 membri che sono stati nominati 'IFIP Fellow' in riconoscimento dei loro contributi sostanziali e duraturi nel campo dell'informatica. E’ stato insignito del prestigios...
29-04-2019ICST 2019, the 12th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, has assigned the prestigious "Most Influential Paper Award for Scientific Impact" to the paper "WS-TAXI: A WSDL-based Testing Tool for Web Service...
19-04-2019Franco Mazzanti (FMT Lab, ISTI) and Frédéric Lang (CONVECS, Grenoble, France) recently won all gold medals for the "Parallel CTL" and "Parallel LTL" tracks of the RERS 2019 challenge. The RERS (Rigorous Examination of Reactive Syst...