Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services

The   TAS3 project (2008-2011) proposes an Integrated Project that will develop and implement an architecture with trusted services to manage and process personal information that is typically generated over a person’s lifespan. This personal information is evidently collected and stored at distributed locations. The type or nature of this personal information is not specific to the TAS3 architecture, as the architecture can be instantiated in different contexts. The only requirement for the personal information is that it is owned by or refers to people. Two contexts will be used to illustrate that the TAS3 architecture enables its users to manage and process the personal information in a generic, adaptable, sustainable, trustworthy and cross-domain applicable way: the employability sector and the healthcare sector. It is well understood that these features have not received the necessary attention so far. The overall S&T objective of TAS3 is to research and develop (1) a generic open and fully published trusted architecture for securely shared personal data services and (2) a full implementation thereof.


48 Months

Istituto finanziario

Unione Europea