
Smart Control of Energy Distribution Grids over Heterogeneous Communication Networks


Stability and cost-efficient operation of power distribution grids are the main targets of novel information-rich demand, voltage, and generation control, while at the same time aiming to reduce costs for the grid infrastructure. However, adding intelligence to the power grid requires communication and computation infrastructure, with consequent requirements for additional investments. To be cost efficient, it is therefore essential to enable intelligent power grid operation leveraging existing communication infrastructures.

Goal of SmartC2Net is to develop, implement, and validate robust solutions that enable smart grid operation on top of heterogeneous off-the-shelf communication infrastructures with varying properties. The resulting innovative middleware functions are: (1) adaptive network and grid monitoring, (2) strategies to control communication network configurations and QoS settings, and (3) extended information models and adaptive information management procedures. These middleware functions create awareness of the communication network properties and their impact on information quality, which is subsequently exploited by innovative flexible power control algorithms of SmartC2Net.

The effectiveness of project results will be validated in representative use-cases of the active operation of Distributed Energy Resources connected to medium and low voltage distribution networks. These use-cases are investigated in three complementary lab prototypes.

The SmartC2Net results will clearly show that intelligent distribution grid operation can be realized in a robust manner over existing communication infrastructures even despite the presence of accidental faults and malicious attacks.

CNR-ISTI is involved in the project as Third Party of ResilTech SRL.


34 Months

Istituto finanziario

Unione Europea