HII Street Smart Retail

High Impact Initiative Street Smart Retail

Sito: http://eit.europa.eu/newsroom/eit-ict-labs-smart-retail-brings-new-shopping-experiences

The goal of the project is to bridge electronic and physical commerce in retail and public spaces - based on technical solutions that can enable the creation, hosting and delivery of smart content and services.

Smart retail environments support the hybrid online and in-store retail model, which increase sales, improve customer loyalty, leverage “showrooming”, and keep physical stores competitive against purely online offerings. They also allow the bridging of different physical and online sites that together form compelling service experiences for consumers. The same solutions can also be used to bridge retail services with non-commercial services.

The missing components in this business ecosystem are the integrators and the tools and their providers needed for the content and service creation. The main outcome is a reusable and modular way to implement a hybrid retail system combining and packaging existing key enablers for location-specific retail services.

The activity Street Smart Retail aims to boost local businesses for instance by introducing ways to understand customer movement, intentions and their shopping profile and to offer more personalized services. We will support retailers to create better shopping experiences with augmented reality, interactive public displays, and distributed user interfaces.


16 Months

Istituto finanziario

Unione Europea