
Web Accessibility Directive Decision Support Environment

Sito: https://wadcher.eu/
One of the many challenges people with various degrees of disabilities face is their difficulties in accessing mainstreamproducts and services thus being excluded from benefiting from Web content and services on an equal basis as peoplewithout disabilities. Marginalising people with disabilities on this level is a critical and problematic issue, especially in today’s“Information Society”, where access to information should be equally available to all. While these challenges have beenidentified (also by EC with the recently Web Accessibility Directive which was entered into force on 22/12/2016), they havenot been addressed yet efficiently.In this context and building on ongoing tools and work, WADcher will research, develop and demonstrate an innovativeDecision Support Environment for large scale hybrid web accessibility assessment services. WADcher aims to build a largescale infrastructure by integrating extended and enhanced existing web accessibility solutions, and by also making themcustomizable to the needs of different stakeholders in EU member states. The minimisation of costs and development timealong with increased scalability, accessibility and usability for all types of end-users will be also analysed. Specifically, theWADcher Innovation Action will be based on the following pillars: 1) build a large scale accessibility assessmentinfrastructure; 2) develop and demonstrate advanced decision support tools for assisting developers and designers to createaccessible assets; 3) implement a web accessibility observatory platform for hybrid combination of automatic/expert reviews;4) validate WADcher results under a significant number of pilots and users and a coherent Web Accessibility Conformancemethodology; 5) develop methods and tools with which organizations can measure the evidence, accuracy and quality oftesting results; 6) liaise with relevant standardisation bodies and create needed impact through proactive dissemination andexploitation.


42 Months

Istituto finanziario

Unione Europea