Franco Mazzanti (FMT Lab, ISTI) and Frédéric Lang (CONVECS, Grenoble, France) recently won all gold medals for the "Parallel CTL" and "Parallel LTL" tracks of the RERS 2019 challenge. The RERS (Rigorous Examination of Reactive Syst...
2019-03-27The International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) is an international association of non-profit, scientific and professional organizations concerned with pattern recognition, computer vision, and image processing in a broad sense. IAPR...
2019-01-21IEEE is an association of Electronics Engineers and is one of the biggest professional associations in the world. The Machine Learning for Signal Processing Technical Committee (MLSP TC) is at the interface between theory and application, developi...
2018-11-28EURASIP is the biggest Signal Processing/Data Analysis professional organisation in Europe. It has eight Special Area Teams on critical areas of Signal Processing. BISA SAT covers a broad area of image & signal processing dedicated to biomedical ...
2018-11-05Start Cup Toscana 2018 (, a contest among entrepreneurial ideas sprouting from regional research activities was held on October 30 at the Auditorium of Sant'Apollonia, in Florence. The BeWize group from the CNR of Pi...
2018-10-09The paper "Learning from Mistakes An Empirical Study of Elicitation Interviews performed by Novices" by Muneera Bano, Didar Zowghi, Alessio Ferrari, Paola Spoletini, Beatrice Donati) has been conferred with the Distinguished Research Paper Award ...
2018-07-06The paper "A Compact Representation of Relightable Images for theWeb" by Federico Ponchio, Massimiliano Corsini and Roberto Scopigno (Visual Computing Lab) has been conferred with the Best Paper Award at the Web3D 2018.
2018-05-31ISTI SI-Lab member Emanuele Salerno has been elected associate editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Image Processing for the term 1 June 2018 - 1 June 2021.
2018-03-29Eliana Siotto, (VC Lab) è risultata vincitrice della procedura di selezione comparativa per il conferimento di n. 5 incarichi individuali, con contratto di lavoro autonomo, di “Esperto in politiche e amministrazione di beni e attiv...
2018-03-29The paper authored by Fabrizio Silvestri (HPC Lab) has been awarded at the European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2018), 26-29 March 2018 - Grenoble, France. The Test of Time Award recognizes research that has had long-lasting influe...