Multimedia (MUM) is a leading annual international conference, which provides a forum for presenting the latest research results on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. The conference brings together experts from both academia and industry for a fruitfu...
13-11-2019Università La Sapienza - Roma Link: Paternò Fabio gives an invited talk on End-User Personalization of the Internet of Things at Ambient Intelligence 2019 conference organised by Università La Sapienza in ...
13-11-2019Ecomondo - Rimini Link: Coro Gianpaolo rappresenterà l'Isti in un meeting co...
13-11-2019Festival dello Sport - Seconda Edizione, Trento 10-11 Ottobre 2019 Link: Tutto pronto per l’evento finale di Soccer Data Challenge, in programma a partire da giovedì 10 ottobre presso il Festival d...
13-11-2019Link: colleagues and friends of Stefania Gnesi gathered during the 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods in Porto for a one-day colloquium in her honour. The presentations accompanied a Festschrif...
13-11-2019Link: Le più promettenti tecnologie e i migliori sistemi di localizzazione indoor saranno mostrati durante la conferenza IPIN (indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation) che per la prima volta sarà in Italia. Il CNR-IST...
13-11-2019Link: ISTI-CNR co-organizes the 15th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications that will take place in Florence, from 16 to 19 September 2019.he main aim of the workshop is to assess ...
19-08-2019Nei giorni di sabato e domenica 22-23 Giugno a Villa Bertelli, Forte dei Marmi (LU), il Cnr-Isti parteciperà al festival culturale "Mèlosmente", in cui interverranno l'attore Giancarlo Giannini ed altri artisti. Gianpaolo Coro, Ricercatore del Cnr-...
19-08-2019The Dynamics and Complexity workshop will be held in the CNR research campus of Pisa on July 1-3, 2019. The main aim of DCP19 is to discuss some of the most important current researches on complex systems, with a particular focus on interdisciplinary...
21-05-201930 September - 3 October 2019, Pisa, Italy Technical co-sponsor IEEE The tenth edition of the International conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation and the sixth IPIN Competition are taking place in Pisa, Italy. Launched in 2010 in...