Dal 9 all'11 ottobre si terranno i “FOSSR Days 2024”, tre giornate organizzate dal gruppo comunicazione e disseminazione di FOSSR (Fostering Open Science in Social Science Research), progetto CNR finanziato attraverso i fondi del Piano Nazionale ...
19-09-2024Incontri, laboratori, mostre ed esibizioni, spettacoli aperti al pubblico e organizzati dagli Atenei e dagli Enti di Ricerca toscani, si svolgeranno sia nel centro della città sia presso l'Area della Ricerca del Cnr di Pisa. La Notte delle Ricercat...
11-06-2024Programma dettagliato dell’edizione 2023-2024 di ISTI Day (che, dopo un anno e mezzo dall'ultima edizione, riprende il formato in presenza e si riallinea al consueto periodo primaverile) Ulteriori dettagli sul dove trovarci e sul programma disponi...
26-03-2024The German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) will meet for their first joint workshop on Artificial Intelligence and related technologies in Pisa on April 18-19, 2024, in the framework...
20-03-2024QUATIC is a forum for disseminating advanced methods, techniques and tools for supporting quality approaches to ICT engineering and management. Practitioners and researchers are encouraged to exchange ideas and approaches on how to adopt a quality cu...
19-03-2024The AI Act (AIA) is a landmark EU legislation to regulate Artificial Intelligence based on its capacity to cause harm. Like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the AIA is set to become the global benchmark for regulating Artificial ...
19-03-2024Learning to Quantify (LQ - also known as “quantification“, or “supervised prevalence estimation“, or “class prior estimation“, or “unfolding”) is the task of training class prevalence estimators via supervised learning. In other words...
19-03-2024The 1st International Workshop on Impact of Algorithms and Services on the Urban Ecosystem (MAURO 2024) workshop aims to delve into the impact of AI and algorithms on urban ecosystems, focusing on their influence on human mobility, points of interest...
19-03-2024Generative AI, a subset within the realm of artificial intelligence, has undergone significant progress in recent years. This progress empowers machines to craft, imitate, and produce content that closely mirrors human creations.The application of ge...
01-02-2024The Robots for Humans (R4H) workshop bridges the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) communities. Emphasizing commonalities and differences, the workshop encourages methodological exchange and explores human-centric des...