Visual Computing (VC)
Responsabile: Paolo Cignoni
Web Site:
During the last decades computer graphics has established itself as a core technique within computer science and information technology. Computer systems are more and more used to represent and simulate real or imaginary worlds. Such simulations require to model/acquire, to process and to render complex objects and scenes. The goal of computer graphics is to turn abstract information into visual images and to allow the user to interact with complex objects and data in a natural and intuitive way.
In contrast to the classic approach to computer graphics which takes as input a scene model - consisting of a set of light sources, a set of objects (specified by their shape and material properties), and a camera - and uses simulation to compute an image, we like to take the more integrated view of 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis for our research, and consider the whole pipeline from data acquisition over processing to rendering in our work. In our opinion, this point of view is necessary in order to exploit the capabilities and perspectives of modern hardware, both on the input side (sensors, scanners, digital photography, digital video) and output side (graphics hardware). According to this point of view, one of the key research challenges is the development of new modeling tools to efficiently transform data sampled from reality into accurate three-dimensional digital models adequate to the further processing and rendering tasks.
In order to make progress along the lines above our work is both theoretical and practical with a focus on first-class basic research on the development of novel algorithms, the integration of new algorithms into prototypal systems, and the evaluation of these systems in practical applications. We also try to provide a stimulating environment for junior researchers that allows them to develop and build their own research programs.
- Banterle Francesco Ricercatore
- Callieri Marco Primo Ricercatore
- Cignoni Paolo Dirigente di Ricerca
- Corsini Massimiliano Primo Ricercatore
- Dutta Somnath Tecnologo
- Ganovelli Fabio Primo Ricercatore
- Giorgi Daniela Primo Ricercatore
- Laccone Francesco Ricercatore
- Malomo Luigi Ricercatore
- Muntoni Alessandro Tecnologo
- Palma Gianpaolo Ricercatore
- Pavoni Gaia Ricercatore
- Pellis Davide Ricercatore
- Pingi Paolo Ricercatore
- Ponchio Federico Ricercatore
- Potenziani Marco Ricercatore
- Scopigno Roberto Dirigente di Ricerca
- Siotto Eliana Primo Ricercatore
- Fagiuoli Giacomo Tesista
- Favilli Andrea Associato con Incarico di Collaborazione
- Giuntoni Matteo Tesista
- Piras Valentina Associato con Incarico di Collaborazione
- Pistolesi Erika Assegno di Ricerca
- Saraceni Quirino Assegno di Ricerca
Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities
Cloud for Holography and Cross Reality
Enhancing Underwater PHotogrammetRy, fluOreScence imagerY and deep learning solutions for monitoring the health status of mediterraNEan corals
H2IOSC - CUP B63C22000730005
Open AI solutions for historical masonry annotation
PE01_FAIR_Spoke8_VC -B53C22003630006
PE01 - Future Artificial Intelligence Research - Spoke 8
PE05_CHANGES_Spoke5_VC -B53C22003890006
PE05 - Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Next-Gen Sustainable Society Spoke 5
PE11 MICS Spoke1 - B53C22004100001
PE11 - MICS (3A-ITALY) - Circular and sustainable Made in Italy Spoke1
REFLectance EXploration: improving the acquisition, distribution, and exploration of multi-light image collections for surface characterization and analysis
Microcosmi di storia
2023-10-30 h.11:51
Il Monetiere del Museo Nazionale San Matteo, Pisa – Il sistema digitale per ispezionare virtualmente la collezione numismatica del Museo Nazionale di San Matteo, sviluppato da Gianpaolo P...
6th seminar of the Italian-French Cooperation in Heritage Science
2023-10-19 h.10:30
Eliana Siotto, a Visual Computing Lab Cnr-Isti researcher, and Emanuel Demetrescu, a Cnr-Ispc researcher, were invited to the 6th seminar of the Italian French Cooperation in Heritage Sci...
Thomas Alderighi awarded for the best Ph.D. thesis at University of Pisa
Thomas Alderighi, Ph.D. graduate at the University of Pisa and former member of the Visual Computing Lab of ISTI, is the recipient of the best Ph.D. Thesis Award of the University of Pisa...
Francesco Laccone is the 2023 Nervi Prize winner
Francesco Laccone has been assigned the first Pier Luigi Nervi Prize for the work entitled Static- and fabrication-aware segmented concrete shells made of post-tensioned precast flat tile...
Patrimonio culturale e transizione digitale: sfide ed opportunità per la scienza, la tecnologia e la società
2023-06-14 h.18:30
Nell’ambito del ciclo “I Dialoghi del Farnese”, mercoledì 14 giugno, si terrà una tavola rotonda dal titolo “Patrimonio culturale e transizione digitale: sfide ed opportunità per la scien...
Gaia Pavoni (Cnr-Isti) vince il premio europeo per il monitoraggio delle barriere coralline
2023-01-23 h.08:51
Gaia Pavoni, ricercatrice dell’Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell’informazione del Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche di Pisa (Cnr-Isti) ha vinto il premio europeo “Vrvis Visual Comput...
New President of the Italian Chapter of Eurographics
2022-04-01 h.13:48
Daniela Giorgi will lead the Italian Chapter of the European professional association for Computer Graphics. Daniela Giorgi, Senior Researcher at the Visual Computing Lab, has been elect...
FlexMaps Pavilion nell’atrio del Comune di Pisa
2022-02-03 h.15:15
Il Visual Computing Lab (ISTI) espone nel mese di Febbraio, all'interno dell'atrio di Palazzo Gambacorti, sede del Comune di Pisa, il FlexMaps Pavilion, un'installazione che coniuga innov...
Test of Time Award 2021
2021-10-22 h.13:32
Marco Tarini from the university of Milan, Paolo Cignoni and Claudio Montani from ISTI-CNR have won the IEEE VIS Test of Time Award for their paper: Ambient Occlusion and Edge Cueing for...
Lo studio dell'Ecce Homo di Antonello da Messina su "Scientific Reports" di Nature
2021-09-15 h.08:26
Gli esiti scientifici della ricerca condotta sull'Ecce Homo di Antonello da Messina, la preziosa tavola quattrocentesca custodita al Collegio Alberoni di Piacenza, sono stati pubblicati...
Eliana Siotto selezionata come membro dell'Advisory Board della piattaforma regionale "Tecnologie-Beni Culturali e Cultura"
Eliana Siotto, (VC Lab) è risultata vincitrice della procedura di selezione comparativa per il conferimento di n. 5 incarichi individuali, con contratto di lavoro autonomo, di...
Makers of Merit at the European Edition of the Maker Faire in Rome 1-3 Dicembre 2017
VC Lab new technology for designing tensegrity structures, has been featured at CNR stand of the European Edition of the Maker Faire in Rome, the second largest fair of the makers communi...
Eurographics Software Award
MeshLab, the open source mesh processing system developed by the Visual Computing Lab of the ISTI - CNR has been endowed with the prestigious Eurographics Software Award. MeshLab, that ha...
The restoration documentation system, developed by CNR for the restoration of the Neptune Fountain (Bologna), presented at Ferrara Restauro
The first results of the restoration of the Neptune Fountain in Bologna have been presented on March 24th, 2017, at Ferrara Restauro, Ferrara, within a thematic conference organized by ...
R. Scopigno presented a keynote talk at a symposium organized by the Metropolitan Museum and CHI, New York (USA), March 7th-8th, 2017
Roberto Scopigno has been invited to present a keynote talk at the Symposium on "Illumination of Material Culture: A Symposium on Computational Photography and Reflectance Transformatio...
Highly Cited Research Award 2017 in Journal of Cultural Heritage, Elsevier
"Highly Cited Research Award 2017" in Journal of Cultural Heritage, Elsevier, in recognition of the contribution to the quality of the journal made by: M. Dellepiane, N. Dell'Unto, M....
A new Joint International Research Lab approved by DIITET, to join and foster the skills and technologies of CNR and CNRS on the themes of 3D digitization and interactive graphics for CH applications
A new project has been recently financed, starting in 2017: a joint international research lab on 3D digitisation, whose goal is to integrate and foster the skills and technical resourc...
Project Megafauna 3D (Montevideo, Uruguay) publishes results on the web by endorsing CNR's 3DHOP
Megafauna 3D ( is an online platform that invites you to discover the giant mammals that inhabited South America thousands of years ago. It is a fossil d...
Visual Computing Lab on Euronews
Some research results developed by VC Lab in the framework of the EC FET project “Harvest4D” ( are presented in a short documentary produced by Euronews televisio...
Paolo Cignoni Eurographics Fellow
Paolo Cignoni (VC Lab) has been elected as a Fellow of the European Association for Computer Graphics in recognition of: 1. outstanding research contributions in visualization and geome...
Two ISTI-CNR Projects Win at the DH Awards 2015
Two projects of ISTI have won at the international initiative DIGITAL HUMANITIES AWARDS 2015. DanteSources ( has won in the "Best DH Tool or Suite of Tools" cat...
Three nominations for CNR-ISTI at the 2015 DIGITAL HUMANITIES AWARDS
The nominations for the 2015 DIGITAL HUMANITIES AWARD have been disclosed on Febr. 15th at: CNR-ISTI features 3 selected titles: Category "Best...
The course "3D Digitization for Cultural Heritage" held by Marco Callieri (VC Lab ISTI) marked the start of the Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN), in India.
The course presents the 3D scanning technologies currently used in the context of the Cultural Heritage field and is available via streaming real-time at: D...
Best Paper Award at Digital Heritage 2015
Alchemy in 3D - A Digitization for a Journey Through Matter" by Marco Callieri, Paolo Pingi, Marco Potenziani, Matteo Dellepiane, Gaia Pavoni, Aurelia Lureau, Roberto Scopigno. ...
Digital Heritage 2015, a success!
The IEEE/EG Digital Heritage 2015 Conf. (Granada, Spain, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2) was an extremely successful event. The Visual Computing Lab (ISTI-CNR) has contributed substantially to thi...
Dentro il Visual Computing Lab, tecnologia per le opere d'arte
L'articolo di Pagina Q.IT sulle attività del VC Lab dell'ISTI
Contributo CNR-ISTI alla mostra su Pollock del Guggenheim Museum Venezia
Il Laboratorio Visual Computing di CNR-ISTI ha contribuito allo studio ed alla musealizzazione dell'opera "Alchemy" di Jackson Pollock, di proprietà della Peggy Guggenhaim Colle...
ACM Bulletin nella sua sezione "Today's Topic: People of ACM" presenta una intervista a Roberto Scopigno (Isti-Cnr) ed una breve bio
ACM (la maggiore associazione professionale sul tema della computer science) ha pubblicato nella sezione "Today's Topic: People of ACM" del ACM Bulletin una breve intervista a Roberto...
Scoprire le monete antiche. Multimedialità e divulgazione museale
2014-02-28 h.17:30
Il chiosco informatizzato come strumento per presentare al pubblico le collezioni numismatiche di Palazzo Blu e del Museo di San Matteo (ingresso libero fino ad esaurimento dei 130 posti)
L’applicazione open source MeshLab raggiunge il primo milione di download
Il sistema open source MeshLab ha raggiunto il primo milione di download. Questo importante risultato costituisce una dimostrazione della maturità raggiunta dallo strumento e dell'ampi...
CNR-ISTI awarded at "Digital Heritage 2013" Conference
The Digital Heritage 2013 event, taking place in Marseille (France) on Oct. 28th – Nov. 1st, was an astonishing success. Digital Heritage 2013 was intended as a new international event, f...
CNR e Scuola Normale per salvare la Badia Camaldolese di Volterra
Articolo del Tirreno (23 luglio 2013) sul Progetto ArTeSalVa finanziato dalla Regione toscana su fondi europei realizzato dalla Scuola Normale e dal Visual Computing Lab dell'ISTI.
Roberto Scopigno has been appointed as Editor-in-Chief of ACM JOCCH - Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) publishes papers of significant and lasting value in all areas relating to the innovative use of information and communication techn...
"3D models for Cultural heritage: beyond plain visualization" by R. Scopigno and colleagues of the Visual Computing Lab
The July 2011 issue of the journal IEEE Computer hosts a special issue on "Computationa Archaeology", which includes a paper by R. Scopigno and colleagues of the Visual Computing Lab enti...
Roberto Scopigno is the recipient of the Tartessos Prize 2011.
The prize, granted by Spanish Society on Virtual Archeology (SEAV) during the annual conference Archaeologica 2.0. held in Seville, Spain - June 22-24, 2011, is given to internatio...
Gianpaolo Palma won the "Premio Vespucci" (Vespucci Award - Dec. 16th, 2010) for the category "Cultural Heritage - Special prize Flores 2010"
Gianpaolo Palma was awarded for his Master Thesis work on PTM/RTI visualization. The thesis concerns new methods and a system to visualize Reflection Transformation Images (RTI), i.e. ima...